• Cloud-based System
  • Finance Tracking
  • Maintenance Requests
  • Affordable
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Transparent Condominium Management

Designed from the ground up for transparency, Insulae contains all the tools for condominium administrators to stay in touch with the owners and residents of their condominiums. All the documents, announcements and other information uploaded by administrators is only made available to the owners and residents that are members of the associated condominiums.

Maintenance & Financial Tracking Solutions

Insulae allows condominium residents to submit and track the progress of maintenance requests to be brought to the attention of the administrator. Insulae is also able to keep a record of the condominium's financial situation and reports are at all times available for owners to look through.

Easy-to-use on All Devices

Getting started with Insulae is easy. Users can join a condominium by following the link sent to them by their administrator who will also verify their identity and add them to the condominium's group. Users can login using their social media accounts such as Facebook or Google to avoid having to remember yet another password. And Insulae works on all devices, be they desktops or smartphones, through the browser.


Insulae is a cloud-based software system operated by Phalanx Software Ltd., a Malta-based company specializing in business automation software. It gives administrators the ability to maintain a register of owners and residents for the condominiums they manage.

Insulae has all the tools that administrators need to keep owners and residents fully up-to-date with the on-going affairs of their condominium. This includes features like general announcements, document management, maintenance request tracking as well as financial reporting and user management.


Licensing & Pricing

Insulae can be licensed to condominium management companies or to an owners' association directly. The latter option allows owners to retain their data in the event that they choose to switch to a different administrator.

A flexible pricing system is available based on the number of residential and garage units that are part of a condominium. A generous discount is also available to condominiums that are self-administered or for administrators working on a voluntary basis.

Click the link below to start a free trial and experience the benefits of Insulae firsthand for your condominium.

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